The jury of the IV INSTAR Film Festival announces the winner of the Nicolás Guillén Landrián Award, which is given to the film that best addresses, from the cinematographic language, a taboo subject in its corresponding society. The event closes with the presence of its Executive Director and Artistic Director.
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December 07, 2023
Waste, bells and memories of the USSR (Conversation)
A conversation with filmmakers Carla Valdés León (Los puros, 2021), Daniela Muñoz Barroso (Mafifa, 2021) and Alejandro Alonso (Abisal, 2021) about their most recent cinematographic works, spaces for collaboration and production beyond ICAIC, and the cancellation of the 2020 Youth Exhibition.
December 04, 2023
Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela: the fight against...
Filmmakers Fernando Fraguela (Cuba), Gloria Carrión (Nicaragua), and Jhon Ciavaldini (Venezuela) talk with the Cuban researcher Hilda Landrove about their works, their aesthetic outlook and the narrative decisions they have made in the face of a theme that unites them: the struggle against authoritarianism.
July 16, 2022
The Cardumen: young and independent Cuban exhibition
Since its foundation in 2000, the Muestra Joven del ICAIC was the event that brought together and boosted the Cuban independent film movement. Several of its organizers discuss the relevance of this space and its spirit of resistance to censorship and the stagnation of Cuban cultural institutions.
15 July 2022
The female gaze at the imaginary of Cuban cinema
Before the emergence of independent cinema, very few women managed to shoot a film in Cuba. Some of Cuba's leading women filmmakers discuss in this meeting the findings of the female gaze and their contributions to the island's cinematographic imaginary, especially from the coordinates of exile.
July 14, 2022
Dystopian imaginaries in contemporary Cuban cinema
Multiple perspectives on the failure of a social project once considered utopian converge in this discussion. The landscape of contemporary Cuba filtered by dystopia: a cinema built on the rubble. Guests: Miguel Coyula, Alejandro Alonso, Rafael Ramírez, Ángel Pérez and Carlos Quintela.
July 14, 2022
Nihilism and disenchantment, cinema (Special Period)
It could be said that postmodernism arrived in Cuban cinema with the so-called Special Period (the economic, political and social crisis that took place in the last decade of the last century). Some of the main authors of that time talk to each other about their nihilistic cinematographic works.
July 12, 2022
The 70s-80s, performance and self-representation
Several of its protagonists recall the Cuban cinema of the '80s, a movement that challenged the official aesthetic and productive paradigms with an experimental and politically charged filmography. Guests: Miñuca Villaverde, Fernando Villaverde, Ricardo Acosta, Ricardo Vega and Irene López-Kuchilán.
July 11, 2022
The Cuban Cinema of the 60s: The First Heretics
In the early 1960s, with the banning of P.M. (Orlando Jiménez Leal and Sabá Cabrera Infante), Cuban cinema committed the original sin: it set in motion the censorship mechanisms of the new revolutionary state. In this discussion, several of those heretic filmmakers reconstruct the contradictory spirit of that decade.
July 10, 2022
The corrosive vision of Nicolás Guillén Landrián
The films of Nicolás Guillén Landrián were, perhaps, the most radical aesthetic proposal in the first decades of Cuban revolutionary cinema. In this discussion, several filmmakers and intellectuals analyze, based on Landrián's main films, the schizoid and corrosive character of his cinematographic vision.